SAT: What is the maximum amount you can transfer to avoid problems?

The Tax Administration System (SAT) constantly monitors the movements that are made, above all, through mobile devices in electronic banking and, therefore, here we bring you some actions that you should avoid in order not to have problems. It is increasingly common for specific payments and transfers to be made through cell phones, however, many people are unaware that there is a limit to avoid triggering alerts from the SAT, which would cause the money to be tracked.

What payment concepts should be avoided when transferring? Here we tell you What is the maximum amount you can transfer? If you do not want an alert to be triggered in the SAT, the limit amount is 15 thousand pesos regardless of whether the transfer is destined to another person’s account or between different accounts of the same person in different banks. If you exceed that amount, the tax authority of our country could begin to observe that and the following movements that you make both in your account and in that of the recipients of the amount; clearly, this does not include payroll payments.

If the Tax Administration System decides so, any transfer over 15 thousand pesos could be subject to a fine or a 3% withholding on the excess, that is, what is known as the Tax on Cash Deposits (IDE). There is a maximum tax on cash deposits. (Reuters) Among other recommendations made to avoid problems with this government agency are also the concepts of transfer, which people downplayed and were even used for some kind of joke or prank.

However, we now know that the ideal is to leave aside ‘joking’ with illegal services or using a false name, situations that would also raise alarm and could cause the sender and the receiver to have to clarify the reason for the payment directly to the tax authority.

Source: mediotiempo