Men burn a girl and kidnap her father in Berriozábal, Chiapas

Sujetos queman a una niña y secuestran a su padre en Berriozábal, Chiapas

A 3-year-old girl was burned to death after armed men kidnapped her father and set fire to the house where they lived in the municipality of Berriozabal, in the metropolitan area of ​​the capital of Chiapas, confirmed the State Attorney General’s Office.

The agency reported that it began investigations in accordance with protocol, for the crimes of illegal deprivation of liberty of a man and the murder of the minor.

Police reports indicate that the events occurred this Friday around 6 in the morning, when armed men arrived at the house located a few meters from the municipal cemetery of Berriozabal, to take José “N”, the girl’s father; in their escape they set fire to the house, in which the minor was sleeping.

Residents of the place indicated on social networks that the girl was completely burned on the springs of what was a mattress.

The mother was not in the house, according to neighbors, because she was working a night shift at a local hospital.

When the firefighters arrived at the scene, they proceeded to put out the fire, but when they had finished their work, they realized that the remains of the girl were in the house.

The Prosecutor’s Office said in a statement that a multidisciplinary group moved to Berriozábal, bordering Tuxtla Gutiérrez, “in order to obtain evidence and testimonies that will allow these unfortunate events to be clarified and responsibilities to be established.”

Source: proceso