More than 13 million migrants crossed Mexico into the US during the López Obrador administration

During the government of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, more than 13 million migrants crossed the border between Mexico and the United States, with Ciudad Juárez and El Paso (Texas) being some of the most critical points in the migratory flow, according to the general director of Coordination of Representative Offices of the National Institute of Migration (INM), Héctor Martínez Castuera.

Throughout this period, between December 2018 and September 2024, the northern border of Mexico has been consolidated as a neuralgic point for migrants from various countries, mainly from Central America, South America and the Caribbean, who seek to reach the United States with the purpose of finding better opportunities.

Ciudad Juárez, which borders El Paso, Texas, has been one of the main migratory corridors, where thousands of people wait in shelters, improvised camps —or in the open air— to cross the Rio Grande and request asylum in the United States.

“I believe that no border is prepared for 5 million people, not Mexico’s, not the United States’, not Colombia’s, these are global conditions. I understand that there are things that are being done, such as making it easier for them not to have to come here (to the border) to ask for asylum, but the world is not ready for the wave of migrants,” said Guillermo Asian, spokesman for the Trust for Competitiveness and Citizen Security (Ficosec).

Source: telemundo