Users block the National Highway; they demand the return of 400 million for real estate fraud

A group of more than 450 people affected by an alleged real estate fraud protested by partially blocking the National Highway, affecting traffic between Santiago and Monterrey.

The protest began around 8:00 a.m. near the El Faisán area, with the protesters demanding the return of the advances they paid for the purchase of apartments that were never delivered to them.

Fraud allegations

The protesters point to César Alejandro Pérez Jiménez as one of those responsible for the fraud, accusing him of having received payments for apartment towers in areas such as El Barrial, Villarreal and El Faisán, without fulfilling the delivery of the agreed properties. According to those affected, they handed over 30 percent of the value of the apartments, an approximate amount of one million pesos per person, but they never received the properties or their money back.

They demand intervention from the authorities

The affected parties demand the intervention of the authorities of the Attorney General’s Office of Nuevo León, the municipality of Santiago and the State Government. They claim that although there are already complaints in progress, the responses have been insufficient and the judicial process in other states, such as Morelos, has not advanced enough to guarantee reimbursement.

Intermittent blockage affects traffic

The protest has caused traffic disruptions, as the protesters have closed three of the four lanes on the National Highway. Intermittently, they completely close the road for a few minutes before freeing up a lane to allow traffic.

Source: mvsnoticias