Crime is not decreasing in Miguel Hidalgo

After the national celebrations were held with a clean slate in the Miguel Hidalgo mayor’s office, the PAN member Mauricio Tabe, as head of the district, boasted that in the first weeks of September a reduction in high-impact crimes was achieved thanks to the participation of his Blindar MH security strategy.

Tabe Echartea announced that after having a security meeting with personnel from the Attorney General’s Office of Mexico City (FGJ CDMX) “we have a 23.81% decrease in high-impact crimes, compared to the same week in 2022.”

The alleged decrease that the mayor points out is only punctual, since the statistics of crimes per month of the same Attorney General’s Office remain at similar figures despite the collaboration of Blindar MH. During the month of August, the FGJ CDMX detected 1,147 crimes; during July, 1,197; and in June the figure of 1,070.

The changes were not significant in these months and the most committed type of crime was robbery in its different forms. But this trend continues even from 2022, the period with which the re-elected mayor compared the figures. In September 2022 there were 1,170 crimes; in August 1,255; in July 1,123; and in June 1,152.

The PAN member’s narrative was shared days after the murder of a drug trafficking leader occurred on the streets of Polanco, an area with supposedly greater security.

In addition, past events such as assaults on businesses and shopping malls cast doubt on the effectiveness of the MH security force.

Currently, the perception of security through the National Survey of Urban Public Security of INEGI also indicates that there have been no significant changes, since for the second quarter of 2023, 38% of people considered Miguel Hidalgo a dangerous place and for this 2024 in the same period of time, the figure stood at 36%.

Source: diariobasta