Following the murder of 18 people, operations are carried out by land and air in various municipalities of Chihuahua

En los operativos participan elementos de la Agencia Estatal de Investigación, la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública del Estado, el Ejército Mexicano y la Guardia Nacional. Foto: Fiscalía General de Chihuahua

Following the violent events that occurred on Friday in Chihuahua, where 18 people lost their lives, the authorities that make up the Interinstitutional Operation Bases (BOI) carried out an operational deployment in various municipalities in the southern region of the state.

According to figures from the daily report of homicides in the country, from the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC), Chihuahua was the state in the country with the most homicides on Friday with 18, after Guanajuato where 12 violent events occurred.

This Saturday it was announced that elements of the State Investigation Agency (AEI), the State Public Security Secretariat (SSPE), the Mexican Army and the National Guard are participating in the operations.

The intention, according to what was officially reported, is to inhibit the commission of crimes, so the security forces carried out patrols and placed checkpoints in the city of Parral, in the towns of San Juan de Allende, La Porreña, Rancho Blanco, Salaices, Santa Ana, Villa López, Coronado and Ejido Iturralde.

The security efforts were reinforced with the support of a helicopter that accompanied the elements that patrolled on the ground, while from the air, the forces also carried out searches and reconnaissances.

The action was replicated in the municipality of Matamoros and extended to the community of Ciénega de Ceniceros, Valsequillo and surrounding towns, where they also sought to detect drugs, weapons, locate vehicles reported stolen and people with arrest warrants.

Likewise, it is reported that these operations will continue to be carried out uninterruptedly and randomly in accordance with the strategy defined in the Regional Security Tables.

18 dead in Chihuahua on Friday

According to the daily report of homicides in the country, 18 violent deaths occurred in the state on Friday, 11 of them in Ojinaga, a municipality that is on the border of the state and where there is a fight between organized crime groups that operate in that region.

The State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) reported that it is a betrayal that would have occurred between “El 04” and “El Menchaca”, criminal leaders of the “La Línea” group.

The other homicides occurred in municipalities such as Chihuahua and Ciudad Juárez.

At the moment, on the border of Ciudad Juárez, authorities reported that they are on total alert to prevent the violent events that occurred in the south of the state from reaching this town.

Source: eluniversal