This is the breakdown of the clashes in Sinaloa until today

En los primeros 12 días de la ola de violencia en Sinaloa que se extendió a municipios de Cósala, Elota, San Ignacio y Concordia se han detenido a 40 civiles. SUN / ARCHIVO

For days, Sinaloa has been under a wave of violence caused by the confrontation between two criminal groups and the intervention of federal forces. How is the situation so far? What is the situation in the state?

The logistical strength of the criminal groups in conflict is weakened by the seizure of weapons, ammunition and vehicles, including cloned police patrols and motorcycles, units that have been confiscated by the Attorney General’s Office in searches carried out in the capital of Sinaloa.

According to the data released, in the first 12 days of the wave of violence that spread to the municipalities of Cósala, Elota, San Ignacio and Concordia, 40 civilians have been arrested, from whom 120 firearms, 75 vehicles and nearly 30 thousand useful cartridges of various calibers were seized.

Retired General Gerardo Mérida Sánchez said that for five days there have been no roadblocks connecting the state capital with other municipalities, nor have there been any confirmations of new clashes, so work continues to be done to control or focus these violent actions.

He announced that in the most recent case in which a report was received that in the community of Quemadito, at the southern exit of Culiacán, armed civilians were trying to enter homes, police, elements of the Army and the National Guard found no evidence of the presence of armed groups.

In a first search, carried out by elements of the Federal Ministerial Police, in a building located in the Allende neighborhood, in the state capital, three mobile units were seized, two of them armored and a black Tahoe pickup truck, with apocryphal logos of state judicial authorities.

A second search carried out by the Attorney General’s Office in a building in the Guadalupe Victoria neighborhood found 22 vehicles inside, including eight cloned motorcycle patrols of the State Preventive Police.

Last Saturday, September 14, in an operation by the army and the state police, in the municipality of Navolato, a cloned patrol car of the State Preventive Police was seized, which bore the number 0709 and had the same characteristics as an official unit.

Source: informador