Mexico and Australia join forces to boost indigenous SMEs

México y Australia unen esfuerzos para impulsar mipymes de personas indígenas

The Ministry of Economy (SE) and the Australian Export Council held a training workshop on Thursday and Friday to promote the empowerment of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), owned by indigenous people or communities, to facilitate their expansion into international markets.

As coordinator of the strategy to promote the growth of these MSMEs, the SE participates in the Working Group for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEWG) of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC) and in the implementation of phase III of the project “Growing Indigenous Businesses Through Trade”.

For two days, experts in the field taught topics such as the usefulness of free trade agreements, management of international payments and currencies, electronic commerce and women’s empowerment, among others, so that participants could obtain knowledge about the export process and international trade in general.

By 2025, participating SMEs will have the opportunity to expand their network of contacts, including those of indigenous communities in other APEC economies, as well as increase their visibility and international commercial positioning by being included on the Australian Export Council website.

The trained people have the mission of transferring this knowledge to their communities to promote the economic development of their localities, for the benefit of their families, “leaving no one behind, leaving no one out.”

Source: gob