They want to stop the brain drain and get young people who emigrated to return to Durango

Quieren frenar la fuga de talentos y que jóvenes que emigraron regresen a Durango

Four out of 10 young people who graduate from the 72 universities and 78 technical schools in Durango migrate to other states in search of better job opportunities. There are nearly 8,000 people who are expected to return to their homeland, in addition to the recent graduates, for which the state is coordinating with the academic sector.

Arturo Ortiz Galán, head of the Foreign Investment Attraction Unit, said that the governor has been emphatic in that the state is prepared for the arrival of new companies, for which reason meetings are held with universities and technical centers so that their study plans are adapted to the current needs of the industrial sector.

The Undersecretary of Economic Development in La Laguna de Durango also said that the negotiations to attract assembly companies that require specialized labor that have been signed by the president make this connection necessary, so that universities and technical schools are aligned with what the industries that are arriving at this time are looking for and not graduating what is not required.

“An example of connection is the interest of industries to support Durango universities with adequate laboratories, so that graduates do not struggle to integrate into the labor world, avoiding the learning curve,” he commented.

He referred to the 40 percent brain drain that the latest statistics on young graduates who go to other regions to look for better jobs dictate and mentioned that today they want these 7 or 8 thousand people who have migrated to return and that those who leave the universities stay in their land.

“We want that, at the end of the six-year term, the young people who graduate and want to leave do so out of conviction, not out of necessity or because they cannot find a favorable job opportunity for them. That is what Governor Esteban Villegas wants, that they stay here and contribute to the growth and development of Durango,” he said.

Another important aspect that he mentioned is having the ideal infrastructure to house these new investments that have been announced, so the construction of more parks and industrial warehouses, both in Durango capital and in Laguna, favor the attraction and lodging of more companies.

He recalled that one of the state’s priorities has been to “sell” Durango in all international markets such as the Asian, European and American markets, highlighting the benefits and advantages of investing in the state, which has resulted in the signing of 32 companies that represent more than 100 billion pesos in investment, 27 thousand direct jobs and over 50 thousand indirect jobs.

He stressed that La Laguna is experiencing one of its best moments, as it has become a multi-sector metropolis: “We are the main dairy basin in Mexico, we are a power in the agro-industry, we are a thriving metal-mechanical sector, we have a very strong mining sector and the auto parts sector is in full growth in La Laguna. Great things are coming for the region and if we manage to attract the automakers, we will make history in Durango.”

He indicated that, in terms of economic development, the State government needs to be linked and work hand in hand in an integral way, with the educational sector, with the business sector, with the private initiative, with the federal government and with the municipalities, in order to land all the projects in the best way.

Source: elsiglodetorreon