Cuitláhuac’s broken promises: roads in northern Veracruz ‘are worse than before’

The pending issues that the Governor of the state of Veracruz, Cuitláhuac García Jiménez, leaves in the northern part of the state just days before finishing his term, are the roads in poor condition, the relocation of the toll booth of the Tampico Bridge and the abandonment of the farmers of the agricultural sector.

These are unfulfilled promises, such as the rehabilitation of the roads, which after almost 6 years of government are worse than ever, which represents a risk for the lives of all the people who travel on them.

Such is the case of the 127 Potrero del Llano-Canoas highway, which has remained in oblivion for decades, but the current government promised all the inhabitants of the municipalities that use this road to intervene to manage its rehabilitation, which only remained in intentions that cannot be good at all.

Residents are unhappy

Currently this road is completely destroyed, which causes the discontent of the inhabitants, who demonstrated their dissatisfaction with the government’s indifference to rehabilitate it, by carrying out a blockade for approximately 36 hours.

This was expressed by Moisés González Barrios, former councilor of Pueblo Viejo, and indicated that these were political and populist statements by the still governor Cuitláhuac García, who announced at the time, in 2018, an investment of 1,492 million pesos, for the rehabilitation of the roads in the northern area of ​​Veracruz, which was only reflected in the road section from Pueblo Viejo to Ozuluama that was modernized, but that since its beginnings has presented potholes that are only being patched.

The agricultural sector in the northern part of Veracruz practically did not exist for Governor Cuitláhuac García Jiménez, since the members of this productive sector assure that he did not even make any commitments despite being part of the primary chain of human nutrition.

For this reason, the support for farmers and ranchers never arrived, the same for the members of the fishing sector who were practically abandoned to their fate by the Government of the State of Veracruz.

The governor of Veracruz, Cuitláhuac García Jiménez, who is about to conclude his mandate on November 30, did not represent any favorable transformation for the northern part of Veracruz.

Source: elsoldetampico