No date set for the return of passenger routes from La Laguna to Mazatlán

Sin fecha para que vuelvan rutas de pasajeros de La Laguna a Mazatlán

There is no date for the return of trips to Mazatlán at the Torreón and Gómez Palacio Bus Stations, given the risks that the transfer of passengers on the highway from Durango to the port implies for transportation, due to the episodes of violence that have occurred in recent weeks.

Due to the blockades on the highway, the companies Estrella Blanca and Ómnibus de México published a statement to inform that the service on the Mazatlán-Durango route is suspended.

In a survey among the passenger service companies, employees agreed that there are no current conditions to provide the experience of the ride that should be guaranteed with this type of units to passengers, in addition to the fact that there is fear among drivers due to the events that have occurred.

Among the incidents they mention, is the burning of units during a blockade of the highway from Durango to Mazatlán, where it has been said that there were residents of La Laguna who were stranded for hours.

Source: elsiglodetorreon