90% of police officers in Durango earn less than 15 thousand pesos a month

Iniciativa. Se prevé que, de aprobarse la iniciativa planteada, los policías puedan acceder a mejores condiciones laborales.

An initiative is being promoted in the State Congress so that municipal police officers can have benefits, as they are key actors in the construction of peace.

And currently, 90 percent of municipal police officers in Durango receive salaries of less than 15 thousand pesos per month and almost 20 percent lack social security.

This was announced by the local deputy of Movimiento Ciudadano, Martín Vivanco Lira, who presented the initiative to improve the working and social conditions of the Municipal Police of Durango, guaranteeing social security benefits and reinforcing the well-being of the security elements.

He stressed that the solution to the problem of violence must focus on strengthening the civil police forces, specifically the municipal forces. “It is unacceptable that every year we face worse results in terms of security. Militarization has not achieved the peace that we so long for. We need a different response, focused on strengthening our municipal police forces,” he declared.

The initiative proposes that municipal police officers have access to ISSSTE, a complementary social security regime and life insurance, in addition to receiving preferential access to social development, housing, education and health programs.

These measures seek to raise the labor dignity of police officers, whose work is essential for local security.

Vivanco emphasized the injustice faced by these public servants: “We cannot demand that they risk their lives and conduct themselves with honesty and respect for human rights, while denying them decent working conditions. This is an injustice that we must correct.”

The reform proposal seeks to transform the labor relationship of municipal police officers, improving their well-being and, at the same time, strengthening the quality of the service they provide to the community.

The deputy was confident that this initiative will have the support of his fellow legislators, ensuring that this is a crucial step towards a society that values ​​and supports those who protect it.


It was also proposed that municipal police officers have access to ISSSTE in addition to life insurance and access to housing.

Source: elsiglodedurango