Claudia Sheinbaum’s railway project does not include the Durango – Mazatlán railway

Although the president of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, is very clear about the development of railway projects, the 100-point plan that was announced after taking office does not include the construction of the Durango – Mazatlán route, hence the president of the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry (CMIC), Francisco Salazar Mendía, will insist with the Cabinet to include the proposal, since the creation of the deep-draft port has already been authorized.

He reported that there is a project booklet which contains all the priority works for each of the states, however now it is up to the presidents of each of the delegations to do the work of convincing them to get them to look north and authorize the budget that is needed to trigger development.

He explained that the construction conditions of the Durango – Mazatlán railway are particularly difficult because it must cross the Sierra Madre Occidental, which is why it is necessary to rely on experts in high engineering and trained in the subject to develop the executive project.

They even propose that companies from other countries be involved in the construction, especially because it is a very rugged geography, who will also have to thoroughly review the conditions of the infrastructure that already exists, because there are many since they were built and it is likely that their useful life has ended.

“For Durango, the Durango – Mazatlán railway project is very important because the deep-water port is already authorized in the national port infrastructure plan, so the road would be insufficient to move all the merchandise that will arrive at the port and so logically if an infrastructure of that magnitude is developed, it will trigger the activity of the strong construction sector of those of us who are dedicated to earth movement,” said Salazar Mendía.

They do not know if the company Caxxor is still interested in carrying out the project, which had already been designed during the previous administration, since they have not been informed about it.

However, as local builders, they could not participate in the project alone, since although the engineering is similar to the construction of a road, it must be the railway specialists who design and coordinate the work.

Source: elsoldedurango