Festival In Honor of The Black Christ Ends

A multitude of faithful surround the Lord of San Román, where hearts aflame sing hymns of faith.

With deep devotion and fervor, Campeche’s faithful celebrated the closing of the festivities in honor of the Diocesan patron, the Black Christ Lord of San Román, with the traditional and solemn Procession of the Three Doors, a commemoration that dates back 459 years to its arrival in the city.

From early hours, the atmosphere in the streets was filled with anticipation and faith. Hearts beat in unison, aware of the spiritual magnitude of this event. The Black Christ, in all its splendor, was escorted by hundreds of faithful who, with lit candles and prayers on their lips, accompanied its sacred journey.

The procession was presided over by the Bishop, Monsignor José Francisco González González, whose serene and attentive presence was a guiding light for all. No detail escaped his watchful eye, always attentive to every moment, every gesture, and every expression of faith.

Monsignor’s closeness to his parishioners was one of the most emotional moments, radiating a warm joy that illuminated the path of all who participated. As the sacred image advanced through the three doors, the whispers of prayers and hymns blended with the flickering of candles and the echo of footsteps on the ancient streets of Campeche.

Source: Campeche Hoy