Optimal weather and waves for bathers in Mazatlán during the week

Optimal weather and waves for bathers, in addition to a low presence of marine animals in the coastal strip, are the conditions that are expected for the enjoyment of bathers during this week, reported the Commander of the Aquatic Rescue Squadron.

According to a statement, Iván Alejandro Barrón Ureña added that regarding the waves, their height will be approximately one meter on average, said calm requires greater attention in areas where marine currents form to prevent visitors from being pulled out to sea.

The staff has the instruction to conduct tours and provide recommendations constantly, in addition, if necessary, to remove people to safe areas, likewise the call for bathers is to follow instructions and apply self-care to not be involved in risky issues.

Barrón Ureña reported that the beach hours continue to be from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. since the lack of light can cause risky situations.

Source: sinaloa.quadratin