Demand for flights to Mazatlán grows; users avoid road trips

The president of the Mexican Association of Travel Agencies (AMAV) Chihuahua, Miguel Luna, indicated that, currently, to travel to Mazatlán by land, it is preferable to take a bus that goes around Guadalajara, or to buy a flight; however, the latter have become significantly more expensive.

“It is sad to say it, because Mazatlán is one of the destinations that we sell the most as travel agencies, but Mayor Marco Bonilla is right when he says that it is currently difficult to travel by land, especially because there is a lot of uncertainty: it is not known when it may be closed,” he said.

In this regard, he specified that last week a section of said highway was blocked, so all buses heading to Mazatlán had to detour through the city of Guadalajara.

“When consulting with the main bus providers for trips to Mazatlán about the measures they were going to take, they told us that they will probably continue to circulate through Guadalajara to avoid especially the Durango-Mazatlán section, which is the most complicated so far,” he said.

In light of this, the president of AMAV Chihuahua recommended that if you do not opt ​​for a bus that goes around to Guadalajara, it is preferable to avoid the aforementioned highway because, at the moment, there is a lot of uncertainty. Or, if you have the opportunity to purchase a flight, it is better to do so, although with the demand it has become more expensive by 30 to 40%, precisely because of this situation.

It should be remembered that in Chihuahua there is only one direct flight to Mazatlán that leaves on Mondays and Fridays, which has registered a large influx.

“Mazatlán is a product that lends itself very well to traveling by road and there are many options from providers that offer round-trip transportation, either with or without a hotel; however, given the situation, we have also seen that there have been rescheduling and cancellations, although it is not an overwhelming percentage,” he said.

Finally, he said that the agencies are looking for a way to transmit tranquility, and to offer clients various options, which has helped some not to give up on their trip.

Source: elherladodechihuahua