‘Tamaulipas model’: Coahuila raises alarms for arrival of Villarreal Santiago as delegate of Welfare

The imminent arrival of Tamaulipas native Américo Villarreal Santiago to Coahuila as the delegate of the Welfare Party has raised alarms in the state, says journalist Carlos Loret de Mola in his “Historias de Reportero” (Reporter Stories).

According to information revealed today in his column, there is concern that he will repeat the “Tamaulipas model” in the state using the distribution of programs that he will have available.

“There are questions about the danger that he will repeat the Tamaulipas model in Coahuila, and that he will do so based on the multimillion-dollar distribution of social programs that he will have under his command,” he says in his article.

Loret de Mola points out that there are suspicions that it was the son of Américo Villarreal Anaya, governor of Tamaulipas for Morena, who opened the door of the party to Sergio Carmona, better known as the “King of Huachicol.”

Carmona Angulo, who was murdered in November 2021, was an alleged financial operator for Morena in the 2018 and 2021 campaigns, and among the beneficiaries would be the current governor of Tamaulipas, where, according to local media, he sent 120 million pesos.

“The so-called King of Huachicol… became a strategic financier of the party, a great friend of Mario Delgado and who ended up murdered in a barbershop in San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León. The Huachicol of Welfare. Of course, all those involved disdain the suffocating accusations,” he details.

But that is not the only thing that has both the State Government and the Morena supporters of the entity nervous, according to the journalist, since there is doubt about “what the task of the young Villareal will really be.”

Also, Loret de Mola adds, there is the question of putting social programs “at the service of the personal political project of his senator partner,” and the fact is that the son of the governor of Tamaulipas is the sentimental partner of Coahuila’s Cecilia Guadiana, daughter of the deceased Armando Guadiana.

After several days of rumors, this Wednesday the arrival of Villarreal Santiago as the new delegate of Welfare in Coahuila was confirmed, after being made official by the same president Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo.

Américo Villarreal Santiago and Cecilia Guadiana, the “Welfare couple,” as Carlos Loret de Mola calls them, are examples of “Welfare nepotism,” children of the “divine caste of the obradorato,” and for whom President Claudia Sheinbaum arranged their lives, the journalist explains today in his column.

“Her parents have been figures of the 4T who rose to prominence under accusations of having illegally channeled millions of pesos to Morena campaigns and having received political favors from López Obrador in return.

“Thanks to the influences and political ties of her parents, she and he have conquered positions of national projection. And although they come from different states of the Republic, Claudia Sheinbaum’s government has already arranged their lives,” the journalist states on the occasion of the recent appointment of the Tamaulipas native as delegate in Coahuila of the Ministry of Welfare.

With the new position, the editorialist says in his article, Villarreal Santiago will live in the home state of his sentimental partner, Cecilia Guadiana, where he will not only have a job, but will no longer have to live in Tamaulipas.

This state is governed by his father, Américo Villarreal Nava, but he is suspected of having ties to organizations dedicated to fuel theft, in addition to a complaint, according to Loret de Mola.

“Not only does he now have a job in the state of his partner, who is a senator for Coahuila, but he also no longer has to live in Tamaulipas, where his father governs, where he is charged with a domestic complaint and, above all, where he has been accused of high-level ties to the huachicol industry,” the article details.

Source: vanguardia