Don’t fall into traps! This is how you can identify ‘Montalikes’ on social networks: Condusef

¿Cómo identificar a los ‘Montalikes’ en redes sociales? Así operan, según Condusef

Beware of online fraud! ‘Montalikes’ have become one of the most common types of scam in Mexico, and are carried out through social networks; the main objective is the theft of personal and banking data, but how can you identify if you are a victim of these criminals?

How do ‘montalikes’ operate on social networks?

The Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco) explained that ‘montalike’ scams begin when users receive a message through social networks, in which they are offered a job offer that is difficult to refuse.

Generally, criminals offer “part-time jobs” where they can make quick and easy money. By accepting the offer, the supposed company will “test you” by asking you to like certain pages, and they will also add you to several WhatsApp or Telegram groups to “solve more tasks.” The company will make small deposits to gain people’s trust.

Once they have gained your trust, the scam occurs when the criminals ask the victims to make money deposits to “obtain better income”, and they may also ask you for other bank details.

Tips to identify ‘montalikes’ on social networks

Take note! The National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef) shares some tips so that users can identify ‘montalikes’. Here we share them with you.

They offer money for liking posts on social networks
They ask the victim for an account number in order to pay them
They make the first payment to gain the users’ trust
Generally, ‘montalikes’ tend to use the following social networks to be able to scam victims: SMS, WhatsApp, WeChat, Telegram. Facebook and Messenger. Remember that companies usually communicate via email or from a job search platform.

How to avoid being a victim of ‘montalikes’?

If you received any of these messages, the Federal Consumer Protection Agency shares how you can avoid being a victim of ‘montalikes’.

Be wary of messages offering job offers.
Do not give out your personal information.
Do not make money deposits in exchange for a contract.
Do not enter any link that provides you with an unknown number.
If you are a victim of swindling, it is recommended that you call the National Guard’s “088” number, where you will receive guidance on how to correctly file a complaint with the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

Source: tvazteca