4 members of the Wixárika community who disappeared in Jalisco are released; they demand more security in the border area with Zacatecas

Los wixárika permanecieron acampando hasta lograr la atención de las autoridades y la liberación de sus compañeros. Foto: Captura de pantalla

The four members of the Wixárika community of San Andrés Cohamiata who had been missing since September 30, were released by their captors after protests and demands for justice from the members of this indigenous community in the municipality of Mezquitic, in northern Jalisco.

On Friday morning, the governor of Jalisco, Enrique Alfaro, confirmed the release of José Ángel Bautista Robles, Salvador Parra López, Helionso Muñoz Díaz and Olivia Parra Parra, who were traveling in a van and were deprived of their freedom by armed individuals who set up a checkpoint.

“The Jalisco State Prosecutor’s Office has just informed me that the 4 members of the Wixárika community who remained missing in the northern zone have already been located, they are safe and sound with their families,” the governor wrote on his social networks this morning.

After the disappearance of their companions, the members of the community demonstrated in the area known as Las Cabezas, where the disappearance of the four people allegedly occurred; there they denounced the situation of violence that prevails in the region and demanded the presence of personnel from the General Secretariat of the Government of Jalisco.

They remained camping in the place for a day until they received the attention of the authorities and the release of their companions; now the community has requested a greater presence of the security corporations of the state and the Federation in this area that borders Zacatecas.

They insisted that the community of San Andrés Cohamiata is peaceful and alien to the conflicts between organized crime groups that operate in the region, for which reason they demanded greater security from the state forces.

Source: eluniversal