Burning of Grocery Stores, Cars, Assaults, and 10 Murders in 24 Hours in Tabasco

Cases of vandalism, burning of grocery stores and cars, as well as executions, create anxiety and panic among the people of Tabasco.

Ten people have been executed, and there have been burnings of vehicles and grocery stores, along with assaults, all within less than 24 hours in various municipalities of Tabasco, mainly in Centro, Cárdenas, Macuspana, and Comalcalco, during the first days of October.

Violent Thursday in Villahermosa

The acts of vandalism intensified on the afternoon of Thursday, October 3, with assaults, burnings of grocery stores, and vehicles in Gaviotas, Casa Blanca, Miguel Hidalgo, Atasta, Tierra Colorada, Periférico, among other areas of the Tabasco capital. One incident involved the assault and burning of two grocery stores in the Gaviotas Sur and Atasta neighborhoods, and spike strips were found thrown by the alleged criminals on Adolfo Ruíz Cortines Avenue and Casa Blanca neighborhood.

The burning of vehicles, which did not result in injuries, occurred on Constitución Street in the city center, Monal Sector of Gaviotas Sur, and José María Pino Suárez. In response, local police, the Army, and the National Guard captured five men and one woman, and seized various types of drugs.

  • 6 detainees
  • 1 motorcycle
  • 1 handgun
  • 1 magazine
  • 9 cartridges
  • 21 doses of marijuana
  • 15 doses of cocaine (powder)
  • 94 doses of cocaine (rock)
  • 27 doses of crystal meth

Five Dead on Violent Thursday in Tabasco

According to the SSPC in Tabasco, October 3 ended with five people murdered in Paraíso, Comalcalco, and Centro. The first incident was in the municipality of Paraíso, where residents alerted authorities about the murder of a person inside a grocery store.

The second incident occurred in the Anacelto Canabal ranch in its third section of the Centro municipality, where the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) found the body of a man who was gagged and had gunshot wounds. Later, in Comalcalco, an entrepreneur was shot dead by armed individuals inside his business.

At 10 PM, another case occurred in the Miguel Hidalgo neighborhood of Centro municipality, where a man was found dead next to a cardboard sign with threatening messages.

A Head and Another Execution

On October 4, two discoveries were made in Villahermosa and another on the Villahermosa-Macuspana federal highway. Early Friday morning, authorities cordoned off an area by the river in the Industrial City of Villahermosa.

There, the body of a man who was gagged and bound with gunshot wounds was found. The other case involved the discovery of a human head abandoned at a public transport stop on the Villahermosa-Macuspana highway. The head was inside a black bag near the toll booth.

April, May, and September: The Months with the Most Violent Deaths

Although Tabasco has already recorded 10 murders in the first four days of October, data from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP) indicated that April, May, and September were the most violent months.

  • April: 83
  • May: 74
  • September: 71

As of the tenth month of 2024, there have been 10 murders under various circumstances, mainly in the municipalities of Centro, Macuspana, Comalcalco, and Cárdenas.

Source: El Heraldo de Tabasco