Hurricane Milton Category 5 to Make Landfall Today in Yucatán; Red Alert Activated in 69 Municipalities

This tropical cyclone has rapidly gained strength and has put both Mexico and the southern United States on alert.

Red Alert in Yucatán

The National Coordination of Civil Protection (CNPC) has activated a red alert (maximum danger) in Yucatán due to the possible impact of Hurricane Milton, which is currently advancing as a Category 5 storm through the Gulf of Mexico.

The Early Warning System for Tropical Cyclones (SIAT-CT) reported that this maximum danger alert covers 67 municipalities in Yucatán:

Abalá, Acanceh, Baca, Bokobá, Buctzotz, Cacalchén, Calotmul, Cansahcab, Celestún, Cenotillo, Conkal, Cuzamá, Chicxulub Pueblo, Chocholá, Dzemul, Dzidzantún, Dzilam de Bravo, Dzilam González, Dzoncauich, Espita, Halachó, Hocabá, Hoctún, Homún, Huhí, Hunucmá, Ixil, Izamal, Kanasín, Kantunil, Kinchil, Kopomá, Maxcanú, Mérida, Mocochá, Motul, Muxupip, Opichén, Panabá, Progreso, Río Lagartos, Samahil, Sanahcat, San Felipe, Seyé, Sinanché, Sucilá, Sudzal, Suma, Tahmek, Tecoh, Tekal de Venegas, Tekantó, Telchac Pueblo, Telchac Puerto, Temax, Tepakán, Tetiz, Teya, Timucuy, Tixkokob, Tixpéhual, Tizimín, Tunkás, Ucú, Umán, Xocchel, Yaxkukul, and Yobaín.

Alerts in More States Due to Milton

There is also an orange alert (high danger) in:

Yucatán: Akil, Cantamayec, Cuncunul, Chacsinkín, Chankom, Chapab, Chemax, Chichimilá, Chikindzonot, Chumayel, Dzán, Dzitás, Kaua, Mama, Maní, Mayapán, Muna, Oxkutzcab, Peto, Quintana Roo, Sacalum, Santa Elena, Sotuta, Tahdziú, Teabo, Tekax, Tekit, Tekom, Temozón, Ticul, Tinum, Tixcacalcupul, Tixmehuac, Tzucacab, Uayma, Valladolid, and Yaxcabá

Campeche: Calkiní, Hecelchakán, and Tenabo

Quintana Roo: Isla Mujeres, Benito Juárez, Lázaro Cárdenas, and Puerto Morelos

Yellow Alert (Medium Danger) in:

Campeche: Campeche, Champotón, Hopelchén, and Calakmul

Quintana Roo: Felipe Carrillo Puerto, José María Morelos, Solidaridad, and Tulum

Green Alert (Low Danger) in:

Campeche: Carmen, Palizada, Escárcega, and Candelaria

Quintana Roo: Othón P. Blanco and Bacalar

Source: Infobae