Tamaulipas, among the ten entities that have reduced poverty the most

Tamaulipas, entre las diez entidades que más ha reducido la pobreza

Tamaulipas is one of the ten states that has most reduced poverty and deficiencies by accessing nutritious and quality food, for which various programs are underway, reported Governor Américo Villarreal Anaya.

The governor highlighted the existence of 22 community kitchens in the municipalities with the greatest deficiencies, where two meals a day are served; the Feeding Your Well-Being program, which brings food packages to thousands of homes, supporting the family economy, and the School Breakfast Program in more schools. In total, just over 47 million food rations are provided.

Also, during the discussion “Two years of memories of a transformation,” he referred to the Willingness to Help in the First 1000 Days program, operated by the Tamaulipas DIF, as well as the support for self-production of food, which has begun in eight municipalities in the central and sugarcane regions.

Villarreal Anaya said that efforts are being made to reduce the number of people living in extreme poverty, which according to Coneval is 98,000 inhabitants in that condition, and that special attention is being paid to the most vulnerable.

Source: notigape