Incorporation of Tlajomulco into Siapa is “due to the business of the Real Estate Cartel Calling MC”

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Deputies of the Congress of Jalisco approved, by majority vote, that the municipality of Tlajomulco be incorporated into the Intermunicipal System of Drinking Water and Sewerage Services (Siapa), with the purpose that the service be provided by the organization and not by the city council.

The proposal was approved by 28 votes in favor, seven against and two abstentions, so now Tlajomulco will become part of the metropolitan network, whose drinking water service is administered by Siapa.

Prior to its approval there were questions and criticisms from opposition legislators, such as the Morena member Chema Martínez, who asserted that the government of Tlajomulco – led by MC – alludes to its responsibility and prioritizes private interests, since with the incorporation into Siapa the only thing they seek is to benefit developers instead of serving the vulnerable population.

He did not fail to recall that Siapa has been inefficient in its work, as well as corrupt, which has caused a severe water crisis in the metropolis that has not been solved despite constant citizen complaints.

“This agreement does not take into consideration the poor people, the popular neighborhoods, the overpopulated neighborhoods like Cibavarrio. It is only and exclusively because right now Siapa is illegally providing services to private subdivisions, which is this López Mateos corridor, which is, for practical purposes, the juiciest business for Movimiento Ciudadano (…). That is the issue, that is what is being discussed, the human right of access to water is not being discussed, which is also important to highlight and clarify. It is strictly about business of the real estate cartel called Movimiento Ciudadano,” he lamented.

They defy the SCJN

On the other hand, deputies voted against the ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) to reinstate the rights of trans children to the Civil Registry Law.

It should be remembered that in April 2022 deputies approved equal marriage and reformed the law on conversion therapies and identity. In this regard, legislators determined that any person could request the modification of their birth certificate, according to their self-perceived gender, as long as they were of legal age. However, in June 2023 the Supreme Court declared the reform unconstitutional and forced the right to be reinstated.

Source: pagina24jalisco