Oztoc Nogales 2024: From Catrinas to an evening at the cemetery; 9 unmissable activities of the All Saints’ Day Festival

Mexico is a country that has a very special way of seeing and understanding the subject of death, whether due to our roots or culture, but what is a fact is that our country knows how to respect the “bones” and that is why the end of October and beginning of November are dates that every Mexican recognizes, since it is when death is celebrated.

Talking about the subject of death is usually a taboo subject in many cultures and parts of the world, but in the case of Mexico since ancient times it has been seen as something natural, something that is part of a cycle.

That is why since our ancestors there is a tradition of worshiping death to remember that we will all have a date with it, some before and others a little later, but we will all see it one day.

But while that day arrives, Mexicans know how to celebrate it and recognize its importance in the spiritual world, that is why in several municipalities of Veracruz on these dates altars are usually placed in the houses to remember the relatives who have already gone ahead to Mictlán.

On October 27th, the souls of our “furry ones” begin to arrive, that is, those pets that have already passed away, but on this date they are given permission to visit us.

While on October 28th, it is believed that the souls of people who died in accidents or were victims of violent acts or in their case went through some tragic situation that took their lives begin to arrive.

Students will place an altar in the Orizaba Palace; they will adhere to tradition

On October 29th, the souls that died by drowning arrive, and it is believed that on October 30th it is the turn of the souls that are forgotten or that do not have a family to light a candle for them and pray for them to transcend on the spiritual plane.

On October 30th and 31st, the souls of those who were never born and are in limbo arrive, as well as children who were not baptized.

On November 1, the arrival of the souls who lived an exemplary life is expected, as well as children in general, while on November 2, the arrival of the rest of the souls is expected.

Now, after this brief but important explanation, we will tell you that in some municipalities festivals or celebrations are held alluding to these dates, and by the way, in Mexico, the Day of the Dead is officially recognized as November 1 and 2.

In Nogales, the “Oztoc Festival de Todos los Santos 2024” will be held, an event that seeks to preserve the traditions of Todos los Santos / Photo: Illustrative Guadalupe Castillo / El Sol de Orizaba
For this reason, in the municipality of Nogales, the “Oztoc Festival de Todos los Santos 2024” will be held, an event that begins on October 19 and will end on November 3, where activities will be held for all tastes alluding to the theme of the Day of the Dead.

What activities will be carried out at the Oztoc All Saints Festival 2024 in Nogales?

If you are interested in attending the Oztoc All Saints Festival 2024 in the municipality of Nogales, we share with you that some of the activities that will take place are:

Day of the Dead Parade.
Catrinas Contest.
Pet Contest.
Theme Park.
Municipal Offering.
Pantheon Evening.
All Saints Fair.
Giant Catrina.
Cultural Afternoons.

Without a doubt, these activities, in addition to being very entertaining for the whole family, help maintain our traditions and, above all, make the new generations continue to keep them alive.

So now you know, get your agenda ready so that you can go to Nogales and take advantage of all the activities that will be carried out to celebrate life and death.

Source: elsoldeorizaba