Who are the Morena members in the Congress of Guanajuato? This is the group

¿Quiénes son los miembros de Morena en el Congreso de Guanajuato? Este es el grupo

The Morena parliamentary group announced at a press conference that it will give the benefit of the doubt to the state government, but that it will always vote with the interests of the people of Guanajuato first. They presented their 11 members, although not their legislative agenda.

The Morena parliamentarians assured that they will be a “responsible opposition” and will work together in each commission for the well-being of all the people of the State of Guanajuato.

The representative of Celaya, Martha Edith Moreno Valencia, assured that she will be an ally, “a person who will listen, who will have a constant presence in the colonies and communities of all Guanajuato.”

Her colleague María Eugenia García Oliveros, representative of district 22, said she was proud to chair the Justice commission, “which for more than a decade had not been chaired by a woman.”

Also, Deputy Miriam Reyes Carmona, representative of Salamanca and Villagrán, said that her experience in land registry and property tax will help her in her legislative work. “My greatest satisfaction is doing good for the citizens. It gives me great satisfaction to see the smile of a child, to see the smile of an elderly person, and even more so when I contribute to that smile.”

Deputy Maribel Aguilar González, from district XIX, stressed that her commitment to Guanajuato is 100 percent. “I always said it during my campaign: with the people everything, without the people nothing. I owe myself to a great legacy left by our president Andrés Manuel López Obrador.”

In the same sense, legislator Plásida Calzada Velázquez, representative of the indigenous peoples, reiterated that her objective will be for the indigenous community to be visible and taken into account. She chairs the commission on Human Rights and Vulnerable Groups.

The leader of the faction, David Martínez Mendizábal, insisted that they will be a responsible opposition. “The problems of Guanajuato do not change with the change of government. They are complex, structural processes, which are only modified with adequate intervention.”

The representative of district IX, which includes San Miguel de Allende and San José Iturbide, Ricardo Ferro Baeza, assured that they will be inclusive to improve tourism in Guanajuato. “We have to support tourist cities, business tourism and especially rural tourism.” He chairs the tourism commission.

From District XV, Antonio Chaurand Sorzano (District XV), said about spirituality in education: “We have been taught to compete instead of sharing. This is a chip that is essential to change from an early age,” said the pediatrician, who chairs the Health Commission.

Deputy Ernesto Millán Soberanes, representative of Silao and Guanajuato, promised to be “a firm opposition, but always seeking the well-being of the people of Guanajuato. We will continue working for those most in need, for those who have the least,” said the president of the Municipal Affairs Committee.

Carlos Abraham Ramos Sotomayor, legislator for District XII of Irapuato, called on the State government-

“We have to work hand in hand because everything that is going to be proposed in Congress has to be aimed at reducing the poverty gap that we have in the state of Guanajuato.”

The Morena parliamentarians assured that they will continue working under the principle of “for the good of all, first the poor.”

Source: periodicocorreo