Navy seizes more than 3 tons of cocaine off the coast of Colima; 7 people arrested

Marina asegura más de 3 toneladas de cocaína frente a las costas de Colima. Foto: Marina

In two different actions, members of the Navy seized approximately 3.2 tons of probable cocaine and arrested seven alleged lawbreakers off the coast of Manzanillo, Colima.

In a first action, during maritime surveillance patrols, the Navy aboard a surface unit of the Navy located buoyed packages floating in the sea that contained alleged cocaine, weighing approximately 1.8 tons.

In a second action, the uniformed officers seized an illicit cargo weighing approximately 1.4 tons and arrested seven alleged lawbreakers.

The detainees, with the narcotic seized, were placed at the disposal of the Attorney General’s Office so that the ministerial authority can integrate the investigation files.

Semar stressed that these actions are part of maritime, air and land surveillance operations to inhibit criminal activity in order to guarantee and maintain the rule of law at sea.

Source: eluniversal