There have been 19 attempted lynchings in Puebla during 2024

Foto: Agencia Enfoque 

As 2024 draws to a close, the Puebla Ministry of the Interior recorded 19 attempted lynchings in the state and in three cases people lost their lives after being carried out, reported its head Javier Aquino Limón.

Interviewed in the municipality of Tehuacán, he denied that the response protocol to contain this type of acts was a failure, but rather considered a lack of commitment from the authorities in the municipalities and the population to carry it out.

The state official pointed out that the issue of lynchings is not exclusive to governments, but involves the responsibility of citizens, who take justice into their own hands when someone allegedly commits a crime.

“We have always said it: we disapprove of this type of situation, and what we have asked people is to request the help of the authorities, to define the legal situation of the people (accused of crimes),” he emphasized.

The Secretary’s position comes a few hours after a man accused of attempted robbery was lynched and burned by residents of the community of Tepapayeca, belonging to the municipality of Tlapanalá.

For the above, Aquino Limón highlighted that personnel from the Segob have already had contact with the incoming municipal presidents, with the aim of soon involving them in the knowledge of the method of action in the event of a lynching.

He said that they were asked that, once their police commanders are appointed, the issue be made a priority.

90 police commanders certified in the municipalities
On the other hand, the Secretary of the Interior announced that to date, they have been able to certify 90 police commanders, as part of the transition process that is taking place in the state of Puebla.

He mentioned that he is aware that the elected governor Alejandro Armenta Mier has already supervised the appointment of security officers in 130 municipalities.

Meanwhile, during the current administration, there was a constant call to outgoing municipal presidents not to “relax” security actions, less than a week before leaving office.

Source: intoleranciadiario