Tulum seeks a third division football franchise to attract sports tourism

Tulum busca una franquicia de fútbol de tercera división para atraer turismo deportivo

The municipality of Tulum is exploring the possibility of acquiring a third division soccer franchise, with the aim of attracting more tourism to the state, revealed the director of municipal sports, Rodrigo López.

He commented that the municipal president, Diego Castañón Trejo, is already working on this initiative, which not only seeks to promote sports tourism, but also to preserve local customs and provide young people with a space for their development, serving as a seedbed for future generations.

The proposal is expected to be formalized next year, and the construction of a soccer stadium with capacity for about 5 thousand people in Tulum is already being considered.

This initiative will be part of the budget project that will be presented for next year, Rodrigo López explained.

Source: centralmunicipal