Va y Ven Driver Accused of Homicide, Injuries, and Damages; Here’s What We Know

The driver of a Va y Ven bus, who caused a traffic accident resulting in the death of a motorcyclist in the San José Tecoh neighborhood of Mérida, will be brought before a control judge accused of the crimes of negligent homicide, injuries, and damage to property.

As reported by Diario de Yucatán, the tragic incident occurred on September 30 at the intersection of Avenida 54 and Calle 143.

The accident was caused by the Va y Ven driver, who failed to respect a stop sign when merging onto the avenue, causing a motorcycle to crash into the bus.

The strong impact resulted in the death of a young man riding the motorcycle, as well as injuries to the deceased’s mother and damage to the motorcycle.

“Illegal Detention” of the Va y Ven Driver

Three days later, on October 3, the Prosecutor’s Office brought the bus driver before a control judge. However, the judge deemed the detention illegal due to an error by the Public Security Secretariat (SSP).

The error was that the police officer who presented the driver was not the same one who first responded to the scene, which is unusual given that police are trained and updated on such procedures.

As a result, the driver was released, which does not mean that justice will not be served, as the State Attorney General’s Office requested a new hearing to charge him with the crimes, scheduled for November 20.

Driver’s Defense Hopes for a Settlement

However, the defense of the Va y Ven driver requested that the issue be resolved through mediation, meaning that the involved parties reach a damage compensation agreement, which in the case of the deceased would be the payment of compensation to the indirect victims.

It is known that so far, no satisfactory agreement has been reached, so if this is not achieved in the coming days, the driver will have to attend the scheduled hearing to respond to the charges against him.

Source: Diario de Yucatan