Clash between police and criminals leaves 3 dead and 4 injured in Nuevo Leon; a patrol car was set on fire

En los hechos, dos patrullas de la Fuerza Civil volcaron y una de ellas terminó incendiada. Foto: Especial

A confrontation between state police and a criminal group left three criminals dead and four uniformed officers injured in the municipality of Ciénega de Flores, Nuevo León.

The attack was reported on the Ciénega de Flores-Salinas Victoria Highway, near the Privadas de Santa Lucía neighborhood.

Two patrol cars from the Civil Force overturned and one of them ended up on fire.

Paramedics from the Mexican Red Cross arrived at the scene to treat the police officers, while authorities confirmed the death of three criminals.

The area remained guarded by state authorities and elements of the National Defense Secretariat.

Source: eluniversal