Traditional cooks will bring Michoacan gastronomy to Italy

With the participation of traditional cooks, Michoacán will be the star of the ninth World Forum of Mexican Gastronomy, to be held in Calabria, Italy from November 29 to December 1 of this year.

In a statement, it was reported that the governor, Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla, informed that the ancient cultural wealth that Michoacán gastronomy holds will be presented and tasted in Italy, one of the most recognized countries worldwide for its haute cuisine.

This was announced at the meeting with the Mexican ambassador to Italy, Carlos García de Alba, who commented that Italy, despite having worldwide recognition for its gastronomy, continues to seek to elevate it to Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

He also said that a twinning will be sought between traditional Michoacán and Italian cuisine, after recognizing that Mexico has the recognition of UNESCO thanks to the ancestral culinary art that the dishes of Michoacán cooks hold.

Source: quadratin