Will highway closure affect supply in Veracruz restaurants?

Imagen ¿Cierre en autopista afectará en abasto en  restaurantes de Veracruz?

After Caminos y Puentes Federales (Capufe) reported the closure of traffic on the Acatzingo – Cd. Mendoza highway due to a landslide, the National Chamber of the Restaurant Industry and Seasoned Foods, (Canirac) Veracruz, indicated that they have not suffered a shortage of products.

Abigail Guzmán Hernandez, president of Canirac Veracruz, indicated that the restaurants in the metropolitan area have not suffered a shortage of food due to the closure of the highway until now.

She added that the members of Canirac are ready for the long weekend for the Day of the Dead celebrations, since they are preparing in advance for these dates.

She added that if there is any affectation it would be reported until after the long weekend, but they hope that the situation does not impact the sector.

Source: xeu