Vehicle control payment begins in Puebla, find out the amount, payment options and more

Parque vehicular del estado de Puebla

Starting January 2, the period to pay for vehicle inspections began, which must be done during the first three months of the year according to tax legislation. Vehicle owners must pay 670 pesos for said tax or otherwise they must pay the ownership tax, which is charged according to the value of the unit.

The state government announced that taxpayers can pay for vehicle inspections through the website, where they will have the option of doing so with a credit or debit card, SPEI or by charging a check account. They even have the possibility of printing the collection order with reference and going to the more than 480 payment points existing in the state, including banking institutions and authorized establishments.

Another option to pay is to go directly to any of the 24 collection offices of the Secretariat of Planning and Finance, where you can obtain the collection order to pay at the service kiosks located in the different state government offices.
The authority reiterated that those who comply with the payment within the first three months of 2025 will have the benefit of a 100 percent forgiveness in the payment of the Tax on Ownership or Use of Vehicles, as long as they are up to date in the payment of other obligations such as photo fines.

Starting in April, those who have failed to cover the corresponding vehicle control must also pay the tax on ownership, the amount of which is calculated based on the value and year of the vehicle, as well as the update, surcharges and fines that correspond, according to each case.

Finally, the state government specified that starting in the second quarter of the year, all procedures related to the State Vehicle Registry may also be carried out, including the registration of a new vehicle, change of owner and registration of units from other states.

Source: oem