Property tax payment in Tulum, Quintana Roo: who can access the 50% discount?


Property tax payment is one of the fiscal obligations that must be fulfilled annually. Failure to fulfill this financial responsibility can lead to various fines, surcharges, and an increase in the amount that must be paid to the State. Because of this, the government of Tulum, in Quintana Roo, has begun to give discounts to people who pay off their debts.

In order to encourage people to make this deposit to the state accounts in advance, different benefits are being offered. In this way, the faster this obligation is fulfilled, the better prices will be available.

Who can get a 50% discount on the property tax payment in Tulum?

According to the government of Tulum, some people will be able to count on a half-price discount on the payment of this obligation. These are part of the citizens who are part of the government or who have conditions of social backwardness. Below is the list of people who can opt for this discount.

People with disabilities.
Pensioners, retirees and people with INAPAM and INSEN credentials.
Workers of the municipality of Tulum or the government of Quintana Roo.
Teachers, custodians or administrative staff of the federal or local Public Education Service.
In order to access this benefit, people must make their payment for the current date until March 31, 2025. If they do not do so, they must pay this tax in full.

Who will receive discounts of 10% to 30% on the payment of property tax in Tulum?

According to what was established by the government of Tulum, people who wish to pay their property tax with discounts must do so on specific dates. The sooner this is done, the better prices they will have. Below is the list of benefits available to citizens.

If people pay during the month of January, they will have a benefit of 30 percent discount on the payment of this property tax.
If you settle your debt between February 1 and 28, 2025, the installment will be 15 percent less than the total debt.
If the deposit is made between March 1 and 31, 2025, the discount that can be accessed will be 10 percent.
None of these discounts are cumulative, so the person who goes to the treasury offices must choose one of the benefits that are available.

Source: quintanaroo.herladodemexico