Senior citizens seek to join care centers in Querétaro

Adultos Mayores

A total of 9,000 seniors are currently being cared for in the seven Day Care Centers of the Municipality of Querétaro, reported Adriana Olvera, president of the Municipal DIF System.

However, between 3,000 and 4,000 seniors are seeking to join these spaces, which offer recreational, educational activities and psychological support, although the opening of new centers is not yet contemplated.

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“We are reviewing how to accommodate more people in the centers that we already have and guarantee that everyone receives the same benefits,” said Adriana Olvera, who reiterated the administration’s commitment to improve the quality of life of this sector of the population.

The centers, located in each of the municipal delegations, have facilities and programs designed to improve the quality of life of seniors such as organic gardens and occupational therapy.

“Older adults mainly request physical and recreational activities, craft workshops, and in some cases, even computer classes,” said Adriana Olvera.

Digital inclusion is also a priority, as several users have asked to learn how to use cell phones and social networks. In addition to activities, the Day Centers provide nutritional and emotional support.

“They are provided with breakfast, meals, and groceries as a support for their family economy. We also have psychologists, thanatologists, and specialized personnel to care for their emotional well-being, especially in cases of loneliness,” explained the president of the Municipal DIF.

Despite the high demand, there are no immediate plans to open more centers. Instead, they are looking to optimize the spaces and resources available to include older adults who are on the waiting list.

Source: oem