Tamaulipas is warned of the arrival of cold front 21; it will bring light rain and a minimum temperature of 7 degrees in the capital

Según el reporte de PCT, la combinación de un refuerzo de aire frío y humedad incrementarían la probabilidad de lloviznas y lluvias ligeras. Foto: Fernanda Rojas/ El Universal

The general coordination of Civil Protection of Tamaulipas (PCT) alerted the population about the arrival of cold front number 21, which will begin to be reflected in the drastic drop in temperature starting this Monday, January 6.

The information indicates that this front will be driven by arctic air, which will cause a significant change in weather conditions, with gusts of wind between 45 and 65 kilometers per hour, with speeds of 65 to 85 kilometers per hour in the Gulf of Mexico.

According to the PCT report, the combination of a reinforcement of cold air and humidity will increase the probability of drizzle and light rain in a scattered manner, arriving on Tuesday. Starting on Wednesday, it is predicted that the environment will become even colder at the state level.

The city where the thermometer will register a greater drop is Nuevo Laredo, where on Tuesday the minimum temperature will be 2 degrees Celsius with a maximum of 13 degrees; while in the capital that same day a minimum of 7 degrees and a maximum of 15 degrees Celsius are forecast.

Source: eluniversal