Mérida and several municipalities in Yucatán are experiencing significant urban growth. However, this expansion has overlooked the importance of proper road planning, sidelining essential road engineering principles crucial for street development and city design.
In an interview, road engineer René Flores Ayora emphasized the critical need for road impact studies in new developments, such as shopping centers and supermarkets. These studies are vital for setting guidelines to mitigate potential traffic issues and optimize road usage.
Flores Ayora also highlighted the importance of adhering to established manuals, such as those for signage and geometric design, to ensure the construction of safe roads. “We need to build safe roads, where even in the event of a crash due to carelessness, the design prevents fatalities. This is why safe intersections, designed according to traffic engineering principles, are crucial,” he explained.
He further noted that authorities often overlook the expertise of road engineers, with road design frequently left to other professionals like architects and urban planners who may lack specialization in traffic engineering.
The discussion also brought attention to the placement of traffic lights in the city. According to Flores Ayora, traffic lights, including pedestrian signals, should be installed based on thorough intersection studies. He pointed out that the current pedestrian signal timings are often insufficient, citing an example where a 12-meter avenue only allows 8 seconds of green light, making it impossible for pedestrians to cross safely. “These intersections need to be fixed, and proper studies must be conducted to design appropriate timings for both pedestrian and vehicular traffic lights,” he stressed.
Source: Sipse