The Attorney General’s Office of the State of Sonora, with the Criminal Investigation Ministerial Agency (AMIC) and in collaboration with the National Institute of Migration (INM), handed over Kevin Andrew “N”, 33 years old, originally from California, to the US authorities, after confirming that he had a missing person report in his country.
The handover took place on January 9, 2025, at 6:00 p.m., at the Lukeville Gate, in Sonoyta, municipality of General Plutarco Elías Calles.
Kevin Andrew “N” was located in Puerto Peñasco, held in cells of the Municipal Public Security Secretariat for an administrative offense; during the investigations, it was detected that he was in an irregular immigration situation and that he had a missing person report in Riverside, California.
After confirming his identity and in coordination with INM personnel, he was handed over to the US immigration authorities, in compliance with security and international cooperation protocols.
The action was possible thanks to the close collaboration of AMIC with municipal, state and federal authorities, in addition to the agreements on immigration and international security that facilitate the exchange of information and the protection of human rights.
The Attorney General’s Office of the State of Sonora (FGJES) reaffirms its commitment to act in coordination with national and international institutions to safeguard the integrity and rights of all persons in Sonoran territory, guaranteeing compliance with the law and effective cooperation in cases of a transnational nature.

Source: entornoinformativo