In the coming weeks and with the entry of a new government in the United States, led by Donald Trump, the relationship between the members of the T-MEC will be vital and before acting separately, they must do so aligned, united and facing Chinese and European competition.
Representatives of these countries, leaders of business chambers and members of the private sector assured that the formula is to go together and seek joint benefits within the review of said treaty.
When participating in the “T-MEC Binational Business Forum”, held in Nuevo León, Octavio de la Torre, leader of Concanaco Servytur, pointed out that economies must always be above any political strategy.
“We must create an alliance to define that the economy is above political strategies, that is, any strategy or budget of any government requires substantially and necessarily the private sector.
Before any change or message we have to be interconnected. It is essential to strengthen ties with our friends from Canada, North America and all business organizations,” he said.
For his part – despite the threats made by Donald Trump on the tariff issue, Eric Gélinas, Commercial Consul of Canada, affirmed that the country is ready to collaborate with the United States and Mexico.
“So nothing will change; the T-MEC for us is a positive agreement and we will collaborate in whatever may happen. It is a possibility (protectionism) so we will prepare in case there are measures, at the moment we will work in good faith, with both countries, Mexico and the United States,” he commented.
Meanwhile, Rachel Duran, Commercial Consul of the United States said that the objective is to continue “making relationships and doing business” with her country’s commercial partners, that is, Canada and Mexico.
Arnoldo Padilla, in charge of the Northern Border Corridor and who also attended on behalf of the federal Secretary of Economy, Marcelo Ebrard, commented that “speaking of the T-MEC, we must remember that it was signed with Trump and that is very beneficial for Mexico, the United States and Canada, we must not get nervous, we must continue working forward.”
In his speech, Rolando Paniagua Taboada, Vice President of Financial Affairs and Foreign Exchange Market of Concanaco Servytur, indicated that “if we work together with the private sector we can find solutions that benefit everyone and that the treaty in the 2026 review comes to a good end, we hope it can be renewed for another 16 years.”
Let us not be seen as an economic block that cannot come to an agreement and that can be taken advantage of by other blocks such as the European, Asian or Chinese, we must work together, he stressed.
In turn, Hector Villarreal, director of Canaco Monterrey, considered that spaces for dialogue and collaboration must be promoted “among key actors in our sectors within the framework of the T-MEC.”
Through unity and teamwork, it is possible to consolidate commercial relations that allow the business network at local, regional and national levels, integration into value chains and taking advantage of the context of the relocation of companies, he considered.

Source: elhorizonte