This study analyzed penises around the world to determine which country has the longest penises, and Mexico is a few centimeters behind.


Talking about average penis size is not a new topic, but the interest in comparing it globally is still alive, according to a recent analysis by the World Population Review. The study revealed the average erect penis measurements by country and Mexico occupies an intermediate place, although quite far from the leaders.

The study places Sudan as the country with the largest average size, with 17.95 cm, followed by the Democratic Republic of the Congo (17.93 cm) and Ecuador (17.59 cm). On the other hand, Mexico, with 14.09 cm, occupies the 69th place on the global list and only slightly exceeds the world average of between 12.9 cm and 13.92 cm according to the World Population Review.

In contrast, countries such as Thailand (9.43 cm) and North Korea (9.60 cm) are at the bottom of the ranking, which highlights the quite notable differences in Asia.

The average of 14.09 cm places Mexico in a competitive position in Latin America, although well below neighboring countries such as Venezuela (16.93 cm) and Colombia (16.75 cm). However, this does not affect the general perception of satisfaction in relationships or fertility, as clarified by the World Population Review.

What factors influence size? Nutrition, environment and more
Despite stereotypes, race has a conditional impact on penis size, as the analysis points out. However, environmental factors, such as nutrition and exposure to certain substances during pregnancy, can affect genital development. Even neonatal circumcision has been associated with a slight reduction in average size.

In addition, the report stresses that global differences in measurements should be taken with caution due to inconsistencies in study methodologies, such as measurement techniques or self-report biases.

How important is size? Women’s Perspective
Although size is often a source of male insecurity, a 2015 study found that 85% of women are satisfied with their partners’ endowments, suggesting that concerns may be overblown.

Another study found that for women, penis girth tends to be as important as length, based on analysis of preferences in long-term relationships. Interestingly, participants selected a length of 16 cm as their ideal, just below the averages of leading countries such as Ecuador.

Lists of average penis sizes around the world are likely to be incorrect
There are complications in collecting this type of data, such as a lack of standardization in measurement criteria. Some studies include measurements in both the flaccid and erect states, while others only consider one of the two.

In addition, differences in the methods used, such as measuring from the base of the penis or from the pubis, can lead to significant variations in the results.

To better visualize these differences globally, DataPandas has published an interactive map of penis measurements by country. This tool allows you to explore the data graphically and compare regions in a more accessible way.

Finally, it is worth noting that popular culture and stereotypes, driven by the media, can influence the way men perceive their own bodies. A report details how unrealistic standards projected by movies and advertisements have contributed to an obsession with size, while most men are within a normal range.

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Source: xataka