Russian sniper sings in the streets of Chiapas


Takjir is a Russian army deserter who decided to escape his country to avoid going to war against Ukraine.

He claims he was a special forces sniper; today he is in Tapachula but says he will register on the CBP One platform to enter the United States.

“I was a soldier in my native Russia, I was quite professional, but in the face of the war against Ukraine I decided to desert and leave my country. I did not want to go to war to kill innocent people,” he says.

“Now I am in Tapachula, before I was in Argentina where there are thousands of Russian refugees from the war,” he said.

Every day he walks the streets of Tapachula, to earn a few coins and on every street or corner there is a sign that says: “Russian sniper, is against the war with Ukraine” and he carries his horn, in which he sings Mexican music to earn a few coins.

 Francotirador ruso canta en las calles de Chiapas

Source: tabascohoy