Microforests are promoted to improve air quality in Durango capital


For the Durango government, the issue of microforests is a priority to improve green spaces, as well as the air quality of the capital.

Albino Ponce Barrón, head of the Environmental Department, reported that so far the municipal administration has consolidated 30 microforests in different parts of the state, covering more than 2,500 trees.

“The initiative to plant species appropriate to the territory is part of a broader strategy of the government of the capital of Durango, with which a greener and more sustainable city is sought,” explained the director.

He also stressed that each tree planted represents a step towards a more friendly urban environment, being a reminder that governments must act in favor of the environment, for the well-being of their citizens.

Ponce Barrón explained that “with trees over 6 meters tall, which include species such as Ash, Acacia, Crespón, Pino Greggii and Engelmanni, not only do they add beauty to the city, but they also improve air quality and help regulate ambient temperature.”

To conclude, the director https://m.facebook.com/MedioAmbienteDurangoCapital/ of the area points out that he will continue to reinforce the presence of microforests in the entity, so the capital government will continue with the installation of them during the remainder of the municipal administration of José Antonio Ochoa Rodríguez.

Source: es-us.noticias.yahoo