CCE Cozumel Advocates for Reduced Cruise Passenger Fees


The Caribbean Business Coordinating Council (CCE) in Cozumel is advocating for a reduction in the fees charged to cruise passengers arriving in Quintana Roo. They argue that the current rate of $42 is too high, especially considering the average stay of just eight hours.

Carmen Joaquín, president of the CCE in Cozumel, emphasized that the fee should reflect the short duration of the passengers’ stay, rather than an overnight rate. She noted that while cruise passengers will continue to arrive for the first six months, a decline is expected afterward.

“The shipping companies will meet with authorities to find a fair compromise on the fee, which currently puts us at a disadvantage compared to other Caribbean islands. The proposal for a proportional payment should be negotiated by the companies with the government,” Joaquín explained.

She added that it is unreasonable to expect cruise passengers to pay the same fee as tourists staying overnight. This has been a long-standing issue for passengers arriving in Cozumel or Mahahual.

The CCE is actively engaging in dialogue with the business sector to present justifications for the proposed fee reduction. Joaquín mentioned that the issue was temporarily halted due to the vacation period, but a meeting between shipping companies and authorities is expected before the end of the month to decide on the matter after the six-month extension.

The CCE has also proposed to federal authorities that a percentage of the Non-Resident Right collection be allocated directly to municipalities, which face deficiencies in public transportation, medical services, and infrastructure.

Preliminary data from the Quintana Roo Tourism Secretariat indicates that by the end of 2024, seven million tourists will have arrived on cruise ships, contributing approximately $600 million to the local economy.

Source: Sipse