Missing people in Mazatlán are displayed before thousands of cruise ship tourists


Relatives of missing persons raised their protests on Tuesday and stood outside the port terminal to make the cases visible to hundreds of tourists who arrived on the Discovery Princess cruise ship.

The tourists leaving the gate were amazed by the faces they saw, and when they asked the protesters, they explained that the port is experiencing a crisis of missing persons, and that the authorities are doing little to locate them.

At the same time, another group of protesters arrived at the Municipal Palace, in the center of the port, to meet Mayor Estrella Palacios Domínguez.

As in the port terminal, people carried banners with the faces of their missing relatives.

Since September to date, Mazatlán has presented hundreds of cases of missing persons, in a context of violence due to disputes between organized crime cells.

Forced disappearances have even affected minors, presumably to be recruited by criminal groups.

The same has occurred with rehabilitation centers, where young people have been “taken” to join the ranks of criminal gangs.

This morning the disappearance of a 13-year-old minor was reported in the Los Ángeles Santa Fe neighborhood.


Source: oem