“Monster” vehicle seized in the mountains of Chiapas


A vehicle with homemade armor known as a “monster” was seized during a search of a property located in the municipality of Amatenango de la Frontera, in the Sierra region of Chiapas, bordering Guatemala.

The operation was carried out in compliance with an order issued by the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF) and authorized by the District Judge Specialized in the Accusatory Criminal System, after receiving an anonymous complaint in which they indicated the possible commission of illegal acts in a property between the towns of El Potrerillo and El Nancito.

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In June of last year, the municipality of Amatenango de la Frontera was the epicenter of clashes between two organized crime groups, in addition to recruitment and extortion, which is why nearly 400 people fled to Guatemala where they remain refugees to this day.

In the inter-institutional operation, elements of the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) participated through its Federal Prosecutor’s Office in the State of Chiapas, the Federal Ministerial Police (PFM), with the perimeter support of the Secretariat of National Defense (Defense) and the National Guard (GN).

According to the federal authority, the seized items were made available to the federal Public Prosecutor’s Office, which is preparing the investigation file against whoever is responsible.

On January 4 of this year, they also seized five monster vehicles that were used by organized crime groups fighting over the territory.

Source: milenio