Cozumel experienced its best tourist day of the year on Wednesday, welcoming over 27,500 tourists through the arrival of nine cruise ships and nine flights from various cities in Mexico and the United States.
The three international docks operated at full capacity. SSA Mexico received the majestic Icon of the Seas and the Voyager of the Seas, while Puerta Maya docked the Nieu Amsterdam, the Carnival Valor, and the Sun Princess. Meanwhile, Punta Langosta hosted the MSC Seaside and the Disney Magic.
By air, two flights arrived from Mexico City, two from Minneapolis, one from Dallas, one from Houston, and one from Atlanta, in addition to two flights from the air bridge with Cancun, totaling nine arrival operations.
Each cruise is estimated to generate an economic impact of 4.08 million pesos (approximately 200,000 dollars) through the arrival of 3,000 tourists who spend 80 dollars per capita. Each flight transports an average of 110 passengers who stay for 4.5 days, with a daily expenditure of 160 dollars. The economic impact is calculated at 38.81 million pesos (approximately 2 million dollars), excluding the flights from the air bridge with Cancun.
Royal Caribbean executives recently met with the municipal president of Cozumel, José Luis Chacón Méndez, to present the work plan for tourism development and future projects on the island.
Source: Reportur