Agricultural nursery inaugurated in Oaxaca with support from the Japanese government


Within the framework of the non-reimbursable financial assistance project for community projects for human security, the Japanese government delivered the construction of an agricultural nursery, which will benefit lemon producers from the municipality of Villa de Tututepec in the Oaxaca Coast region.

The Japanese ambassador to Mexico, Kozo Honsei, visited today the community of San José del Progreso in Villa de Tututepec, where, with an investment of one million 119 thousand pesos, the construction of the nursery for the production of fruit trees endemic to the Coast region was achieved.

The representative of the Japanese government pointed out that this type of project not only strengthens bilateral relations between Mexico and Japan, but also Japan – Oaxaca and Japan – Tututepec, “for this reason, I am very excited and very happy to come here,” he said.

“This is the beginning of a project, because you have to work from now on to produce good quality lemons and sell them… sell them in the market to earn and increase your income, of course, sell them in the Mexican market, as well as export them, we hope they reach Japan,” he said.
Last year, this agricultural nursery managed to produce more than 40 thousand hibiscus plants, and this year more than 10 thousand lemon trees are being grown.

Nahum Olivar Palma, president of the Ejidal Commissariat of San Pedro Tututepec, said that this project is a great help for small producers, since it is expected that the commercialization of the lemon plants will be at a low cost.

He explained that the lemon producers in the area are going through two serious problems: the pests that affect the fruit harvest and the low prices at the time of the commercialization of the citrus.

“There is a lot of irrigation, we have no problem on that side, the problem is the pest and the other pest would be those who buy and sell, what we commonly call the coyotes, the hoarders, who pay us a very low price,” he said.
Ricardo Reynolds Morales Chávez, coordinator of the University for Wellbeing ‘Benito Juárez García’, mentioned that the educational institution will join this project with the production of organic biofertilizers.

“The university will contribute with the support of the municipality, it will provide the liquid fertilizers that it will produce so that it is used in the nutrition of the plants,” he said.

Source: milenio