Kidnapping of child soccer players in SLP: authorities collaborate with Zacatecas to find those responsible


Regarding the kidnapping of a group of child soccer players last weekend in the state of San Luis Potosí, this day at the end of the security meeting in the state of San Luis Potosí, the prosecutor María Manuela García Cázares announced that they are already working hand in hand with the Zacatecas Prosecutor’s Office to locate the criminal cell that “kidnapped” and deprived of their freedom more than a dozen children who were traveling to the neighboring state to participate in a soccer tournament.

García Cázares confirmed that the group of children was intercepted by a group of armed men, who held them hostage for a few hours in Zacatecas.

She commented “they were heading to Zacatecas in a van to participate in a soccer tournament when on the road passing Salinas de Hidalgo, a convoy of several armed subjects intercepted them, deprived them of their freedom, robbed the driver of the vehicle and held them in a home already in the territory of the neighboring state.”

He added that according to the testimonies of the victims themselves, the kidnappers heard that there was a mobilization of the authorities to find them, and that is why they decided to release them and abandon them on a highway in the state of Aguascalientes, so they were able to find them safe and sound hours later.

García Cázares indicated that at the moment the van in which they were traveling has not been recovered, which was stolen by this criminal group, as well as various belongings such as their backpacks and cell phones, and he stressed that there is very good communication with the Zacatecas prosecutor’s office to locate the alleged perpetrators as well as the address where these minors were deprived of their liberty.

Finally, he regretted that these events had occurred and said he hoped that it was an isolated incident and that it does not become a “modus operandi” of the criminal groups on the different highways that cross the state of San Luis Potosí.

Niños futbolistas fueron secuestrados por varios sujetos armados, revela Fiscalía de SLP. Foto: Captura de pantalla

Source: eluniversal