Iván Herrera Villagómez, Secretary of the Environment in the municipality of Puebla, announced that, together with Heritage Assets, they will detect public spaces to turn them into green lungs.
The official acknowledged that these areas are needed in the capital to contribute to the mitigation of climate change.
The secretary recalled that the goal of the city government is to plant 200 thousand trees a year.
«There are many green lungs missing, so we are already moving forward with Heritage Assets to detect areas that belong to the city council and turn them into lungs. The goal is to plant 200 thousand trees per year.»
Likewise, Herrera Villagómez commented that they are working with the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) on a project to improve air quality, so they could acquire monitors to measure air quality and pollution.
Finally, Iván Herrera indicated that the administration’s commitment is to plant ten trees for each one that is removed.

Source: heraldodepuebla