Narcomantas and drug labs. A bleak outlook for Tlaxcala…


Opinion by Isael Pérez Olivier

How can we deny the undeniable?

The warning was clear. One of the many criminal groups fighting for control of the state left no doubt that a new escalation of violence will soon occur. Apparently, the fate of some subjects involved in activities outside the law has already been sealed. So, prepare yourself because the fight for the square will continue to leave a trail of blood that threatens the little peace and tranquility we still have; and just as has happened since she came to power, do not expect much from the Governor or the members of her security cabinet, who will probably limit themselves to following the violent events with total disinterest through the C5i video surveillance cameras; or better yet, perhaps they will continue to see an alternate reality, through the thick armored windows of their luxurious trucks, whose cost exceeded 60 million pesos, which were paid for with our taxes.

Source: laprensadetlaxcala